Oct 26, 2011

My favourite Cat in the Hat book is ...because...

I remember this character but I don’t remember what the stories were about.. All I can remember, from my teen years.. are the SweetValley High books, Kathy and Mark as well as Benny & Betty, nope, not Dr Seuss…not in detail anyway.

You see, when I was a kid, the first book I read in school was the Kathy and Mark collection of books. I remember each and every one, from Socks the dog to ….well….mom. Anyway, it’s all a bit vivid now but I once lived in that fantasy. It has sort of formed the foundation of my literacy.

SweetValley High I loved. I’m sure iv read each and every novel, im sure every high school kid has. Who wouldn’t? They’re so addictive; you can’t help but want to read more. It could be due to the fact that we could all relate as the story involves High School teens and the adversities they face, achievements, relationships, etc. You’d practically see yourself in those stories and wish you were there. LOL. Good times, lovely memories, great childhood. Peace J

Why i have conversations

What a question! Well, I have conversations with various types of people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Each individual has a certain uniqueness about them, therefore a different story to tell and a different view point aswell.

I have conversations with people to add to the little knowledge that I have, to empower myself and more importantly to form new relationships with individuals that have the potential to add value to my life. Every being has something different to bring to my table, why not?

Conversations are very healthy, some build and some destroy you, which ones you entertain is ultimately up to you. Some of these convos serve as warnings as to the type of person you’re dealing with, and some you can learn from. Either way, 80% of your time is spent conversing, whether its with your spouse, colleagues, parents, kids or just friends, it’s a way of life. Peace J

Sep 4, 2011


Life used to be so simple in Primary School, cant I go back? My mother prepared everything for me, from lunch, clothes, hair, school bag, the works. All I did was eat, sleep and play.

The same cannot be said for kids of today. Things have changed dramatically and it is not for the better. Play stations, video games, television shows, social networks have replaced childhood games like hopscotch, snakes and ladders, sports as well as educational activities such as boy scouts, brownies as well as girl guides. Things have taken a turn for the worse. Kids are engaging in sexual activities at a very tender age and academic results have dropped, the future seems bleak.

Ultimately, it seems that the parents need to educate their kids about what is right, wrong and acceptable. It is unfortunate though that children have an influence on one another and they all come from different backgrounds; thus endure different teachings. The onus is on each parent to brighten their childrens’ future by directing them to conform to the rules. It’s not simple but worth the effort. PeaceJ


I dream of a day where I can have all the clothes I wantJ Gosh day in and day out I always wonder about fashion. Not a day goes by where I shudder to fantasize about the latest fashion trends, hairstyles, accessories and make-up. Although I am more into stylish clothes, funky hairstyles and gutsy make-up grab me. I don’t often wear make-up, eye-liner will do on a blue Monday or heavy weekend, and maybe a dab of lip-gloss every now and again, but that’s it. I do admit though, hair + make-up + outfit are symmetrical and must correspond to complete the look.

Lately we are quite influenced by the media, more often than not. We are so brainwashed that we seem to think that dressing ordinarily, no make-up and no weaves (fake hair) is dull, boring, and not acceptable. Mediocrity is often frowned upon and we need to conform to what the media deems acceptable, apparently.

Staying natural and true to you is not too bad; I find that most people look much prettier without make-up, me included. Life is about exploring and finding new ways to transform yourself but it’s not mandatory. Enjoy life and appreciate your outer beauty. Peace J


I am intrigued by the interest that everyone has shown over social networks, ie facebook, twitter, etc…Well, everyone including me. The minute I wake up, I check my phone to see what everyone else is up to, read their status updates, check if I have any messages in my inbox, update my own status and wish everybody a good day.

I am afraid that these social networks have taken over our lives. Before these came about, life was simpler and much more personal/intimate. You actually had to call somebody to wish them a good day, a happy birthday, to even have a normal conversation; friends were a phone call away. In today’s world, all you have to do is log onto facebook / twitter/ blackberry messenger (BBM) etc and send the desired message.

What disturbs me the most about this subject is that, the grammar has gone to the dogs. We castrate every single word e.g. be right back (brb), got to go (g2g) etcetera to suit the conversation. At times I struggle to send a formal letter without using these abbreviations and I have to actually request for a second party to proof-read what I have just typed, its such a schlep. On the upside though, we’ve bee given an opportunity to search for long last friends and seize decayed friendships.

I often wonder where would we be without these networks, would life be simpler or more hectic? Who knows, we might as well dance to this tune nonetheless, life is too short. Technology has taken over the world and we just need to grin and bare. Peace J

Sep 3, 2011


Gosh can I even get to 100? I highly doubt it but let me try…

• Own a car…preferably an Audi TT.

• A good permanent job.

• Get married.

• Love my family.

• Own a business.

• Become an activist for a good cause.

• Get involved in charity work.

• Graduate…again!

• Reach a level of self-actualization.

• Join an NGO.

• Become a success.

• Make my parents proud.

• Buy shares at oil companies.

• Invest everywhere.

• Buy my mom and dad a house.

• Live on a farm.
• Enrol my kids at excellent educational institutions.

• Empower myself.

• Independence.

• Make new friends.

• Treasure old friends.

• Travel around the world.
• Pay all my debt.

• Regain my spirituality.

• Acquaint myself with the Lord.

• Buy a new bible.

• Refer to my bible constantly, especially in times of happiness and doubt.

• Maintain good relationships with my siblings, Hlomy, Lihle as well as my parents.

• Show my family how much I love and care for them.

• Show appreciation towards my friends.

• Make more time for my family.

• Be a good wife and mother.

• Remain free of alcohol or any other illegal substance.

• Remain smoke free.

• Honour and respect those dear to me…as well as strangers.
• Remain enemy free.

• Keep in frequent touch with friends I have made at varsity.

• Love my neighbour as much as I love myself…

• Treat everyone I meet with kindness.

• Perform at the best of my ability @ work.

• Maintain excellence in academia.

• Remain neutral or ignorant when it comes to other people’s business.

• Avoid gossip sessions.

• Avoid spreading rumours.

• See the best in everyone.

• Keep God by my side always.

• Teach my kids about the Lord.

• Keep negative people at bay.

• Avoid bad influences.

• Keep people that add value to my life closer.

• Add value to others.

• To always remember that my attitude determines my altitude.

• To control my bad temper.

• Give back to the community.

• Respect elders and the like.

• Own a fashion company.

• Own a farm.

• Trust God.

I could go on and on but I have managed to list 60…half is not that bad after all right? PeaceJ


I have always wanted to be rich, I think growing up that’s been my biggest dream. I mean, who doesn’t want to be wealthy? If it means never working a day in your life, having everything paid for, not having to worry about where your next meal is coming from, taking a holiday whenever you feel like it, shop till you drop anytime, no debt, and basically having everything you have ever dreamed of.

Now that I’m older and more mature, I have realised that being rich comes with a price, more often than not. There are many ways of making money and a lot of the time, doing things the legitimate way doesn’t necessarily guarantee wealth. Many a good people have gone the illegal route to make ends meet and fortunately for them, it’s working in their favour. At times, riches bring along their own baggage, for example, loneliness, many new fake friends, long lost relatives that also want a slice of the ‘pie’ and so forth. On the other hand, it also provides stability, great connections everywhere, opens the right doors, and creates new networks that could very well benefit you and your family.

I think the art of it is to remain true to yourself no matter how rich and famous you are. There is nothing like a humble wealthy person, it just draws genuine people towards you. People feel that they can approach you with anything and expect only the best in return. I have decided that I don’t want to be rich but would rather have controllable finances. My biggest dream, on the real, is to own a Fashion Company. I also secretly want to live on a farm one day. To experience a primitive life as well as enjoy the peace and quiet amongst little chicks, piglets and ducks. Peace J


Playing by the rules has never been fun but it gives you a warm feeling of safety. Doing things according to whoever seems boring at times and may leave you feeling mischievous simply because you want to do things differently. Performing by the book is not necessarily the way to go and who says the instructors way is the only way. What if you don’t necessarily agree with his/her opinion? What happened to authenticity and being unique? Whatever happened to showing initiative?

I personally love to stand out; I could never follow the crowd, how boring is that?! Being unique means doing your own thing, being comfortable with what you are doing, critiquing and patting yourself on the back is quiet more interesting. Meeting someone else’s expectations is not easy and you never know what they really deem fit; it basically stresses you more often than not. It limits your capacity of creativity and stunts your independence.

However, following someone else’s rules means that if things go wrong, you don’t take the blame but them and you can just lay back, relax and say, “but you told me to do it like this” Peace J

Aug 31, 2011

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.

This reminds me more of relationships, amongst other things.  When your man/woman begins to ‘seek greener pastures’, they may find it difficult to fulfil both partners.  They will pay more attention to the other and start slacking and giving less attention to the primary partner. Either way, one always suffers more than the other and the consequences are never of a good nature.

The same can be said with friendships.  You can never have two best friends.  Of the few friends you have, there is always that one that you trust the most and feel more comfortable with.  One you can confide in and tell to your deepest darkest secrets, it’s a way of life.  You can’t give 100% to everyone, its just not possible.

Similarly, with your family and career, chances are you will not excel in both. Its either one or the other.  When the one surmounts, the other gets less attention and chances of excelling dwindles. Going forward, one needs to strike a balance without hurting other aspects of your life.  One then needs to determine where their priorities lie and succumb.PeaceJ

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

There is nothing more fulfilling than having and idea and imagining ways to implement it.  You start anticipating the day it materializes and you just can’t wait to share your idea with close friends and family, but then you can only share once you are certain that this is it.

Nothing is more dangerous that an idea, when you only have one idea.  When you want to do something, you must always have a back up plan and you need to look at the pros and cons before actually going through with it.  Nothing is more risky than formulating something in your mind now and doing it immediately without analysing the implications of such an idea, weighing your options here and there.

Not so long ago, a friend asked his girlfriend for her hand in marriage. She of course said yes but sat him down and went through his idea with him.  They then discovered that they are not financially stable, no house of their own, still building their careers and just not ready for such a commitment.  All things considered, this can wait.

And so it is with every other idea, once conceived, should always be backed up…. PeaceJ

Aug 25, 2011

Have you figured out the second head fake?

In life, each person has two heads, the positive and the negative side.  The positive is the one that always directs you to do good, see good and expect nothing but the best.  Then of course there is the negative, always gets you into trouble, directs you to the bad side of every situation, doesn’t allow you to progress and and and!

Each of us has a choice, do you feed the good head or the bad, either way the second head is then declared fake as it doesn’t really exist. When you do feed the good, everything falls into place; the world is your oyster. Nothing can go wrong without your permission in this case.  You determine your future and you shape what is meant to be. You begin to attract excellence, acceptance and success.

The same cannot be said for the negative head. Never allow bad to overcome good, fight it. Declare it fake and close that chapter. PeaceJ

Aug 23, 2011

How hard is it to follow instructions?

It sounds simple but it’s really not that easy. In my opinion, it depends solely on the person on the receiving end most of the time, and rarely on the sender’s part.  

More often than not, people find it very difficult to follow instructions depending on their intellect as well as the language that it’s conveyed in. If, for example, a professor introduces a new chapter to his students or assigns a task or project to them using jargon, it will be close to impossible to interpret those instructions and they might not be able to deliver what is expected of them.

Another way of looking at it is the language barrier.  Sometimes people from different racial backgrounds receive instructions in English and, even though they can speak it, it’s not always easy to untangle those out-of-the-ordinary words of our International Language and one needs to, in turn, break them down a bit.  It’s also the job of the instructor to make these instructions simpler for the receiver to avoid any miscommunication as well as misunderstandings. PeaceJ

Aug 14, 2011

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes" You can't choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

Nope, I didn’t choose my 15 minutes of fame but I can assure you, I was famous at one stage……even if it wasn’t WORLD famous but I was famous…on a national level.

You see, in 2010 yours truly appeared on the June issue of the Cosmopolitan magazine, I was truly chuffed. How did this come about??

Each year the CTICC hosts the Design Indaba where designers from all over South Africa showcase their work. Come pottery, clothing design, architecture, drawings, paintings and all forms of art. I was spotted by the fashion editor of Cosmo and she basically liked my outfit, approached me and asked to take pics. I felt honouredJ

3 months later my pic appeared in the “You’ve got the look” section of Cosmo and I told EVERYONE!!!!! There goes my 15 minutes of fame…PeaceJ


I recently came across a poster in my managers’ office and couldn’t help but share with yall, here’s how it goes:


·          Don’t expect to be appreciated – your only expectation should be to get a pay check.
·          Don’t come to work to have personal relationships.
·          Don’t allow what you do to affect who you are.
·          Do your job well, but remember your mission – God put your there to be a light.
·          Seek opportunities to change the atmosphere without commenting on the problems. You have a God to talk to. You are on an assignment.  Quietness and competence shall be your strength.
·          Don’t let your environment get inside of you – you should influence it, not let it influence you.
·          Stop going to work to be fed – you didn’t come to receive, you came to give.
·          Increase your capacity to work with different personalities – God will often bless you through people you don’t even like!
·          Remember, where you are does not define where you are going – This will deliver you from frustration.
·          God has a plan for your life.  Keep your eye on the prize.  When Peter did this, he was able to walk in what other people sank in.
·          Get the optimum results with minimal confusion – be effective without making the environment worse.
·          Don’t be associated with one group or clique. Labels limit your usefulness.  God wants you to work with everybody but be labelled by nobody.  Use all your gifts.
·          Always keep your song near you.  Keep a consecrated place in your soul.  Hold on to your praise.
·          Understand that God anoints you for trouble – put on the whole armour of God before going to work.
·          Hope this will motivate you.



As the year is coming to a very close end, one questions themselves. Have I done this, have I done that, is it enough?

At the beginning of every year, about 90 – 95% of us write-up New Years Resolutions and swear to stick to them.  How many actually do? I for one can’t even remember what I’d conjured up as mine. I guess it all boils down to discipline and preparedness to follow through.  One of my resolutions could have been to pass all my modules by the end of this semester….or maybe iv just realised that this year is almost over and I have but a few weeks to catch up and work harder.

Let’s face it, leaving things for the last minute only stirs up trouble. You are left under pressure to perform at your peak whilst abandoning other important factors.  However, it seems that one has to cut themselves in two in order to attend to everything and satisfy everyone. Phew!!!!!! PeaceJ


When assigned a task, do you get on to it immediately or do you shove it underneath the book shelf until the deadline looms closer?

Leaving things for the last minute has never been the ideal solution but it works for some.  I, for one, can never prepare something way beforehand and at times this has counted against me.  Time management is not, unfortunately, my strong point at the moment but im working on it..

I have, in the past, gotten away with a lot; from squeezing in late assignment submissions to studying for an exam at the very last minute.  Generally, the results would be average or an epic fail, when does one learn?? I have also tried the preparing-on-time mechanism which has worked to my advantage but I just can’t drill it into my busy head that this is what works! At times I become fidgety and cranky once I don’t start working on the prescribed task but nothing drives me to actually begin with it. It sucks!

However, I do have hope that things will change for the better and I believe that, ultimately, I am going to settle for the better choice and make it work for me.  After all, I am a hard worker and strive to do my best 99% of the time. Can you handle?? PeaceJ

Aug 11, 2011


-          The overwhelming feeling you get when you’ve found love.
-          The excitement you feel when you’ve passed all your exams.
-          The gladness that takes over when you’ve bought a pair of stunning   shoes.
-          The intense joy you feel when things are going your way.
-          Those emotions that proliferate your whole being, when you pass your drivers license.
-          The contentment you feel when you have your first child.
-          The joy you feel when you ace that interview.
-          The ecstasy that takes over when you’ve clinched a deal.
-          The jubilation that manifests when you finally conceive.
-          The merriment that spreads when you say ‘I DO’
-          Graduation day
-          Prosperity
-          Achievement
-          Your childs first day at school.
-          Progress made on a huge project.
-           LOVE
-          ENOUGH!!!!!!!! PeaceJ


To accept change one needs to firstly acknowledge that, at times, change is good.  Not only does it expose you to new possibilities and opportunities, it also introduces a challenge.

Early last year my mom bought a house in a very elite part of Guguletu and we had to move with her.  The new neighbourhood was more peaceful, quieter and boring.  I was so used to the hustle and bustle of our previous home that we couldn’t relate to this new place. What we didn’t realise is that, with the new home came new neighbours, friends and it tightened our family bond because we spent most of our time indoors.

And so it is with change, it provides one with a different experience, point of view and you learn so much more about new things.  We need to embrace change and let it in.  Not only for the above-mentioned reasons, but also for the sake of growth, maturity as well as self-development. PeaceJ


In great adversity, do you wilt like a carrot dabbed in boiling water or do you change the situation to suit yourself like coffee beans poured in boiling water as well?

Daily, we are constantly reminded of how lucky we are to even be alive; some don’t make it through the night.  Often we are presented with horrendous conditions and situations others have to endure. Do we then feel sorry for the less fortunate, do we feel a sigh of relief that we are not the ones in that situation, or do we help out where we can?

I feel that in any given situation, we are being tested. You either succumb to the situation or rise and tackle it to the best of your ability. My advice: Don’t give in without a fight. PeaceJ


Life throws so many challenges our way every single moment.  Some of us cannot withstand adversities and perceive them as trauma, whilst the rest feel empowered and motivated by challenges – under which category do you fall under?

In this day and age, we are very fortunate to be exposed to so many opportunities and it is only fair to allow some recognition towards them. Yet, we complain about the most trivial things and expect the world to pity us. Too often than not, we fail to acknowledge that the only person that can make things happen for us, is none other than ourselves. What is the point of complaining and moaning about a situation only you have the power to change?

Let us all face our problems and take immediate steps to solve them. Life is too beautiful to spend even minute of it depressed. PeaceJ

Jul 26, 2011

A star has fallen

It is with sadness to have  heard of young musician, Amy Winehouse’s passing, she was only 28.

According to newspaper reports, she died of a drug overdose, sounds familiar? It seems that most of the celebrities are biting into this drug world.  What causes this? Could it be pressure to perform? Who knows?

I think its such a waste that such a young lady could lose her life like that, it all seems unfair.  Some of us were and still are enjoying her music.  Does the pressure get too much that a person cannot just be sober and continue to work to the best of their ability, with a straight mind?

My condolences go to her family and friends, it can’t be easy but hey, life sucks. L Peace!

Big girl miss a meal

It’s every girls hope to look their best, whether its hair, dress or body weight. Some always stress about how thin or big they are. But what I don’t understand is, if you are not satisfied with your body weight, why not do something about it??

I have big and small friends and I always advise the big ones (when they start nagging about their weight) that its really simple, cut down on your food intake. Eat in smaller portions a few times a day, rather than eating 3 large meals. Waiting until you are hungry before eating is not the way to go, you have to eat every few hours to make sure you don’t get hungry, whether its snacking on fruit or small finger foods, it helps.

I am no dietician or anything close, but I do know that feeling sorry for yourself won’t help you lose weight, its ultimately up to you. Having a very strong will-power is also compulsory and it keeps you going. Right? Peace

Jul 24, 2011

A skill set called leadership

I have come across many a people who were in important leadership positions and …..ya.

What is a leader? Can you acquire leadership? Is it a skill? Are you born with it? These are the questions that come to mind when the word “leader” comes into question.

There are a few ways of looking at it.  Some people are born with this skill, for eg: when kids are playing, you can see who the leader in the bunch is.  The one they take instructions from, leads their way, gives orders to the rest.  Where does a kid learn how to be a leader? They don’t, it comes naturally, and so it should.

Many people are placed in leadership roles at their workplaces and they simply don’t crack it.  These so-called managers/supervisors are sometimes terrible at setting an example and getting their subordinates to reach targets, work to the best of their ability, etc and they just burn out. Some take on this role and just make it theirs, with so much effort and pizzazz, they assume the role perfectly. We don’t all have the skill and its very unfortunate, this world would be a much better place if we had good leaders. Peace :J

Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for

Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for
people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

LOL, I have never heard of anything called Rock Journalism, journalism yes but not Rock! Frank Zappa? Who’s that?

So I conducted some research and according to google, Rock Journalism is basically music journalism but with concentration and emphasis on the Rock type of music.

According to another website, Frank Zappa WAS an American composer, singer-songwriter, electric guitarist, record producer and film director. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Zappa wrote rock, jazz, orchestral and musique concrète works.

So this statement tells me that this guy didn’t really think much of Rock Journalism, this critique says it all. And this coming from a person very talented and know-all of music, who am I to argue? PeaceJ