Aug 11, 2011


-          The overwhelming feeling you get when you’ve found love.
-          The excitement you feel when you’ve passed all your exams.
-          The gladness that takes over when you’ve bought a pair of stunning   shoes.
-          The intense joy you feel when things are going your way.
-          Those emotions that proliferate your whole being, when you pass your drivers license.
-          The contentment you feel when you have your first child.
-          The joy you feel when you ace that interview.
-          The ecstasy that takes over when you’ve clinched a deal.
-          The jubilation that manifests when you finally conceive.
-          The merriment that spreads when you say ‘I DO’
-          Graduation day
-          Prosperity
-          Achievement
-          Your childs first day at school.
-          Progress made on a huge project.
-           LOVE
-          ENOUGH!!!!!!!! PeaceJ

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