Oct 26, 2011

Why i have conversations

What a question! Well, I have conversations with various types of people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Each individual has a certain uniqueness about them, therefore a different story to tell and a different view point aswell.

I have conversations with people to add to the little knowledge that I have, to empower myself and more importantly to form new relationships with individuals that have the potential to add value to my life. Every being has something different to bring to my table, why not?

Conversations are very healthy, some build and some destroy you, which ones you entertain is ultimately up to you. Some of these convos serve as warnings as to the type of person you’re dealing with, and some you can learn from. Either way, 80% of your time is spent conversing, whether its with your spouse, colleagues, parents, kids or just friends, it’s a way of life. Peace J

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