Aug 14, 2011

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes" You can't choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

Nope, I didn’t choose my 15 minutes of fame but I can assure you, I was famous at one stage……even if it wasn’t WORLD famous but I was famous…on a national level.

You see, in 2010 yours truly appeared on the June issue of the Cosmopolitan magazine, I was truly chuffed. How did this come about??

Each year the CTICC hosts the Design Indaba where designers from all over South Africa showcase their work. Come pottery, clothing design, architecture, drawings, paintings and all forms of art. I was spotted by the fashion editor of Cosmo and she basically liked my outfit, approached me and asked to take pics. I felt honouredJ

3 months later my pic appeared in the “You’ve got the look” section of Cosmo and I told EVERYONE!!!!! There goes my 15 minutes of fame…PeaceJ

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