Sep 3, 2011


Gosh can I even get to 100? I highly doubt it but let me try…

• Own a car…preferably an Audi TT.

• A good permanent job.

• Get married.

• Love my family.

• Own a business.

• Become an activist for a good cause.

• Get involved in charity work.

• Graduate…again!

• Reach a level of self-actualization.

• Join an NGO.

• Become a success.

• Make my parents proud.

• Buy shares at oil companies.

• Invest everywhere.

• Buy my mom and dad a house.

• Live on a farm.
• Enrol my kids at excellent educational institutions.

• Empower myself.

• Independence.

• Make new friends.

• Treasure old friends.

• Travel around the world.
• Pay all my debt.

• Regain my spirituality.

• Acquaint myself with the Lord.

• Buy a new bible.

• Refer to my bible constantly, especially in times of happiness and doubt.

• Maintain good relationships with my siblings, Hlomy, Lihle as well as my parents.

• Show my family how much I love and care for them.

• Show appreciation towards my friends.

• Make more time for my family.

• Be a good wife and mother.

• Remain free of alcohol or any other illegal substance.

• Remain smoke free.

• Honour and respect those dear to me…as well as strangers.
• Remain enemy free.

• Keep in frequent touch with friends I have made at varsity.

• Love my neighbour as much as I love myself…

• Treat everyone I meet with kindness.

• Perform at the best of my ability @ work.

• Maintain excellence in academia.

• Remain neutral or ignorant when it comes to other people’s business.

• Avoid gossip sessions.

• Avoid spreading rumours.

• See the best in everyone.

• Keep God by my side always.

• Teach my kids about the Lord.

• Keep negative people at bay.

• Avoid bad influences.

• Keep people that add value to my life closer.

• Add value to others.

• To always remember that my attitude determines my altitude.

• To control my bad temper.

• Give back to the community.

• Respect elders and the like.

• Own a fashion company.

• Own a farm.

• Trust God.

I could go on and on but I have managed to list 60…half is not that bad after all right? PeaceJ

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