Aug 25, 2011

Have you figured out the second head fake?

In life, each person has two heads, the positive and the negative side.  The positive is the one that always directs you to do good, see good and expect nothing but the best.  Then of course there is the negative, always gets you into trouble, directs you to the bad side of every situation, doesn’t allow you to progress and and and!

Each of us has a choice, do you feed the good head or the bad, either way the second head is then declared fake as it doesn’t really exist. When you do feed the good, everything falls into place; the world is your oyster. Nothing can go wrong without your permission in this case.  You determine your future and you shape what is meant to be. You begin to attract excellence, acceptance and success.

The same cannot be said for the negative head. Never allow bad to overcome good, fight it. Declare it fake and close that chapter. PeaceJ

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