Aug 14, 2011


As the year is coming to a very close end, one questions themselves. Have I done this, have I done that, is it enough?

At the beginning of every year, about 90 – 95% of us write-up New Years Resolutions and swear to stick to them.  How many actually do? I for one can’t even remember what I’d conjured up as mine. I guess it all boils down to discipline and preparedness to follow through.  One of my resolutions could have been to pass all my modules by the end of this semester….or maybe iv just realised that this year is almost over and I have but a few weeks to catch up and work harder.

Let’s face it, leaving things for the last minute only stirs up trouble. You are left under pressure to perform at your peak whilst abandoning other important factors.  However, it seems that one has to cut themselves in two in order to attend to everything and satisfy everyone. Phew!!!!!! PeaceJ

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