Mar 28, 2011

Are you aware that someone has it worse than you?

As im growing older and wiser I have come to realise that we all have problems, no matter how small or trivial they may seem, we need to give our attention to these problems in order to find a way forward. While we are facing these problems, we don’t realise that, on a day-to-day basis, the people we meet and converse with, have problems too, some bigger than our own, and we should be careful of the way we treat and talk to them as we don’t know the issues they are currently facing.

Looking at people living in poverty, not knowing where the next meals going to come from, where they’re going to sleep, would you survive? I, for one, wouldn’t. What are we, as the well-off citizens of South Africa, doing to help alleviate poverty? Will it ever come to an end? I should hope so, and we should all look into helping out where we can.

Those suffering from terminal illnesses, knowing that you are going to die soon can’t be easy. Suffering in silence and watching healthy people continue with their lives while you only have 6 or so months to live has to be an unbearable pain.

These two scenarios remind me of how precious life is and that we should really live life to the full, you don’t know when you are going to lose your job, house, friends, family or your life. Appreciate and be thankful for what you have, many are going through seriously tough times and the future seems bleak. Go out there and make a difference whilst you still can, you have the ability and only need the drive. Peace.


  1. A touching one sisi, I mean poverty is a huge problem in our country. You deserve 10 out of 10 on this one. hahahahaha
