May 31, 2011

Our greatest strengths are our weaknesses….

My greatest strength is that I care too much for people. Some would look at is as a strength but it comes across as a weakness in the same breathe.  I have discovered that once people notice that you are so caring the attribute it to being naïve and therefore take full advantage of that.

During the 20 something years that I have been on this earth, I have had a handful of friends…. Some from church, school, neighbourhood etc and from hanging out with me, it became apparent to them that I’m ‘easy’ if I may put it as such. Easy to manipulate, easy to twist, lie to, a true walkover.  Realising this they knew they could take advantage of me, id be the go-to person for everything: money, clothes, sympathy, the works.

Being a caring person has worked against me as opposed to working in my favour. Unfortunately I cannot change my personality just because I have been hurt. Friends come and go and I am sure I will find a true friend some day. Peace  JJ

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