May 28, 2011

Try a clich'e

Everything happens for a reason…..How many times have you heard this? You’d get into a fight or argument with a friend, you’d hear nothing from them for a very long time and be told that no, everything happens for a reason, if it was meant to be they’ll come back, if not, God has something or someone better in store for you, or better yet, life is a story and their part is over..or whatever..

Is this exactly true? Do things really happen for reasons? Do you lose something and remain assured that it was supposed to happen like this end of story? Or do you probe and try to imagine what life would be without it or keep your hands open for something new?

I am no philosopher so I can’t really confirm that this is true but I can take you through my life experiences and you can form your own opinion of these events.  For instance at this very moment I am not entirely enjoying my job and I have come to think that maybe I took my previous job for granted hence I quit and currently looking for all the wrong things about my current job. Which is which exactly? *pulling my hair out one by one*

Am I ever going to be content with a job, am I too fussy, am I hard to satisfy, am I am I am I ????? Well, I guess EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON….?! Peace J

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