Feb 8, 2011

I am...

I started studying @ CPUT in 2002...having initially applied for Information Technology (heavens know why), i ended up registering for Office Management and Technology (OMT), only because i had lost interest in I.T...ok not entirely. One of the prerequisites to study IT is Maths and i had failed it, a true blessing in disguise. I then completed my National Diploma in OMT and worked as an IT Helpdesk Operator for Lewisgroup for a good 5 years. I desperately needed something... a good job, change, just something, anything! I was just not happy with where I was in life. That is when i decided to come back and study again. Still unsure of what i wanted to study, i did some research on Public Relations and thought...not too bad! Although my true passion lies in the fashion industry, im not complaining. One of these days you will seem my name in the headlines: "Zanele Bukani: Victoria's Secret Public Relations"....I am almost certain that one day my PR Degree will land me amongst the stars..a girl can dream:)


  1. It's a great thing that you've decided to studey PR, it is so broad and opens a whole lot of opportunities. What I find interesting with you is that, not only are you interested in Fashion, but also in PR- we have the same interests, maybe one day we'll open our very own successful Fashion PR agency! How boring would you have been in IT?

  2. Definitely sisi you are allowed to dream, it's a good thing. Sorry guys, I'm not sure whether I'm in line, this is definitely not 200 or near 200 words. Please watch the silly mistakes e.g the I's that are in small caps. Overall, very interesting writing.

  3. Its interesting to know that, i was not the only peorson who had similar problem. I initially wanted to sport management,but i was told that i need to start from first until third year in order to qualified for the course. I like the idea of business as i want to follow the same idea in future and open PR agency campany. Good luck

  4. at Thabo, that wouldnt be a bad idea (Fashion PR Agency)...exciting infact. Thanks

    at Sis Dora, its 181 words and I think Ms Pike said approximately 200 words so Im not sure. Thanks

    at Vumile, Thank God we finally decided on PR, we cant go wrong. Thanks
