Sep 3, 2011


Playing by the rules has never been fun but it gives you a warm feeling of safety. Doing things according to whoever seems boring at times and may leave you feeling mischievous simply because you want to do things differently. Performing by the book is not necessarily the way to go and who says the instructors way is the only way. What if you don’t necessarily agree with his/her opinion? What happened to authenticity and being unique? Whatever happened to showing initiative?

I personally love to stand out; I could never follow the crowd, how boring is that?! Being unique means doing your own thing, being comfortable with what you are doing, critiquing and patting yourself on the back is quiet more interesting. Meeting someone else’s expectations is not easy and you never know what they really deem fit; it basically stresses you more often than not. It limits your capacity of creativity and stunts your independence.

However, following someone else’s rules means that if things go wrong, you don’t take the blame but them and you can just lay back, relax and say, “but you told me to do it like this” Peace J

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