I am intrigued by the interest that everyone has shown over social networks, ie facebook, twitter, etc…Well, everyone including me. The minute I wake up, I check my phone to see what everyone else is up to, read their status updates, check if I have any messages in my inbox, update my own status and wish everybody a good day.
I am afraid that these social networks have taken over our lives. Before these came about, life was simpler and much more personal/intimate. You actually had to call somebody to wish them a good day, a happy birthday, to even have a normal conversation; friends were a phone call away. In today’s world, all you have to do is log onto facebook / twitter/ blackberry messenger (BBM) etc and send the desired message.
What disturbs me the most about this subject is that, the grammar has gone to the dogs. We castrate every single word e.g. be right back (brb), got to go (g2g) etcetera to suit the conversation. At times I struggle to send a formal letter without using these abbreviations and I have to actually request for a second party to proof-read what I have just typed, its such a schlep. On the upside though, we’ve bee given an opportunity to search for long last friends and seize decayed friendships.
I often wonder where would we be without these networks, would life be simpler or more hectic? Who knows, we might as well dance to this tune nonetheless, life is too short. Technology has taken over the world and we just need to grin and bare. Peace J
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