Jul 23, 2011

What motivates me?

As a young girl, born and bred in a township called Gugulethu, it wasn’t always fun and games.  I had my challenges, set-backs, struggles but I wasn’t alone, my neighbours were going through worse. So, when posed with a question like this “What motives me”, millions of things flood my mind.

Firstly, my mother is an educated woman. Not just ‘matriculated’ educated, she has about 3 degrees, one in Science, another in Education, the list goes on. My grandparents couldn’t afford to send her to medical school so she had to settle for whatever they had to offer, which was teaching. That is motivation enough for me to strive and work hard to reach greater heights. There aint no stopping here, @least one of her 3 kids should follow in her footsteps, why shouldn’t it be me?

My dad on the other hand suffered a great deal and hardly made it to matric. Being the first born child, he had to sweat to make ends meet, for his parents as well as siblings.  There was no way that he could further his studies, the only option was for him to find a job. I admire him for his selflessness.

I am motivated to be success so that I may do my best to fullfill not only my dreams, but to be able to take care of my parents the best way I know how.  PeaceJ

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