Aug 11, 2011


To accept change one needs to firstly acknowledge that, at times, change is good.  Not only does it expose you to new possibilities and opportunities, it also introduces a challenge.

Early last year my mom bought a house in a very elite part of Guguletu and we had to move with her.  The new neighbourhood was more peaceful, quieter and boring.  I was so used to the hustle and bustle of our previous home that we couldn’t relate to this new place. What we didn’t realise is that, with the new home came new neighbours, friends and it tightened our family bond because we spent most of our time indoors.

And so it is with change, it provides one with a different experience, point of view and you learn so much more about new things.  We need to embrace change and let it in.  Not only for the above-mentioned reasons, but also for the sake of growth, maturity as well as self-development. PeaceJ

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