This reminds me more of relationships, amongst other things. When your man/woman begins to ‘seek greener pastures’, they may find it difficult to fulfil both partners. They will pay more attention to the other and start slacking and giving less attention to the primary partner. Either way, one always suffers more than the other and the consequences are never of a good nature.
The same can be said with friendships. You can never have two best friends. Of the few friends you have, there is always that one that you trust the most and feel more comfortable with. One you can confide in and tell to your deepest darkest secrets, it’s a way of life. You can’t give 100% to everyone, its just not possible.
Similarly, with your family and career, chances are you will not excel in both. Its either one or the other. When the one surmounts, the other gets less attention and chances of excelling dwindles. Going forward, one needs to strike a balance without hurting other aspects of your life. One then needs to determine where their priorities lie and succumb.PeaceJ