May 20, 2011

So moved..

Have you ever done something good for someone and thought nothing of it?

Im sitting here at an internet cafe trying to complete my Research Methodology assignment whent this young boy asks me to assist him with his flash disk as it does not seem to save his work.  As im trying to do so, his computer switches off due to his time being up.  So I leave everything im doing and ask him to insert his flash disk on my pc as I have plenty of time left ( i paid to use the pc for 2 hours) so its all good and I really want to know what this boys problem is and help where I can, he seems nice anyway.  Anyhoo, he inserts the flash disk into this pc and shows me what he was busy typing when the pc went off.  So I offer to pick up where he left off and i start typing, then I realised that it's a book full of words and there is no way that I can finish this on time.  I ask him whether this is an assignment and he says no, im writing a book. I was so amazed and couldnt believe this young boy is smart enough to decide to write a book instead of playing soccer or any other sport to kill time with his peers.  I then realised that he has to pay R5 for every 30 minutes to try and type whatever he can in that space of time and leave everyday.  Not fair!

I was so touched by his will and courage to do this that I offered to let him to use my laptop at home and took his numbers so that when I am available, then he can come through and I can assist him. He is currently in Grade 11 at Fezeka High School in Gugulethu and lives in one of the informal settlements called KTC. I admire this boy so much and hope to see him prosper in the future. He told me that he hopes he can further his studies at UCT and I hope he can achieve this.  I would like to keep in touch with him so that I may assist him with finding a bursary and actually studying @ whichever institution he desires. God bless him:) Peace.


  1. Sana this is sooo great! I'm sure God will give you more when you give others without expecting something in return. God bless you!!

  2. Ncoooo! I'm moved myself (dont ask to where,LOL!) God will def bless you 'DEAR'haha!On a serious note, God will bless you,it does feel good doing something for someone else expecting nothing in return, keep it up.
