A few months ago I was ranting and raving about my studies to a good friend of mine and while I was speaking, she just kept quiet. Oblivious to her never-minded attitude, I carried on about how hectic it’s going to get for me since I am simultaneously working and studying—no response. Then I thought, maybe she is a bit envious that I am studying and she is not, but then again it’s a choice right? Wrong!
Apparently my friend had not furthered her studies after passing matric due to finances. A few years later, she only learns from me that she CAN actually further her studies as there are financial aids and study loans available at all Higher Education Institutions. This was the first that she had heard of this and I felt really bad. Was it ignorance or was she really not aware that there is help out there?
After some research I have discovered that many students from disadvantaged backgrounds have no idea that financial aid is available to assist students who are financially-challenged and that in fact there is a brighter future out there waiting for them to pursue. If only a few representatives from education institutions could take it in their stride and visit all High Schools to explain the choices available to students and go into greater detail with regards to financial aid. There is indeed a need out there and it needs to be addressed, a plan had to be made.
Our future Professors, Doctors and Scientists are out there, they just need to be pushed in the right direction, let’s make it happen for them, for the sake of our country and the future of our children and their children’s childrenJ Peace!
So true, education is the key to open all doors.