They say you are the friends you keep, how true is that? I have friends from all spheres of all, some help me up when I’m down and vice versa, some very naughty ones that always need to get bailed out of trouble every time, and some that allow me to be myself. I love them all but I don’t adopt their behaviour, not one bit. How does that make me similar to them? I am somehow drawn to their different characterise and maybe it’s our differences that allow us to get along so well, and sometimes, not so well.
The Law of Attraction depicts that we attract the things we allow. Apparently if you think negative thoughts and you allow them to remain in your subconscious, automatically bad things are going to happen to you in three fold because that’s the message you are transmitting through to the universe and that is exactly what is going to happen. The same applies to positive thoughts. To help manifest and use the law of attraction, you have to remove the blocks that hold you back and keep you thinking the same limiting beliefs. And the biggest block of all is you. You have the power to reach your full potential or fail dismally at anything you pursue.
In essence, we really are what we do I guess. You DO choose your friends, DO choose your lifestyle, DO choose your career path, and DO choose to think positively so that you may attract positive things only. Peace.
Your last paragraph somes up everything. I share the same sentiments darling. Good one sisi.